Saturday, June 13, 2009

Day 3&4 - June 12&13, 2009 - Ft Nelson to Watson Lake to Whitehore

Gordon: No internet service yesterday. Bought new camera in Ft Nelsen...........thank God. We made our way to Whitehorse via Watson Lake today. Yesterday was warm (22C to 27C) but today cooled down to about 15C but at least not much rain. Lotsa daylite with light until 11pm. We've been motelling it until tonight. Mike finally got me into a camp ground just outside of Whitehorse. Its actually a nice spot but I will let you know how the night goes. The roads have been good with only 4 construction zones so far. Weather has been great, roads have been good, company has been mediocre.

Mike: We've been pretty lucky with the weather, it's been great so far. Lots of other riders on the road, most from the US (Chicago, Seattle, and as far South as Miami). Origanialy we had planned to camp in Watson Lake but couldn't find a facility up to Gordon's standards. Tonight were camping about 20km East of Whitehorse.

Gordon and Darth Vader at lookout pass Ft Nelsen

First construction zone north of Ft Nelsen. Does Mikes bike make him look fat???

Grizzily Bear guarding road kill

Bison off highway

rolling into the Yukon
Our campsite in Whitehorse

A well deserved beer near Whitehorse


  1. Hey Gord,
    Glad to hear you are having a GREAT trip!
    About the gas, now I'm not an "Engineer" but I believe it requires more energy to move a Heavier Mass. Have you been eating too well on this trip??????
    (: )
    Have fun, be safe!
    Your thoughtful brother in law...........

  2. Good one Al!!

    Hey Gord, how are the mosquitos.
    I heard they are so big that they can lift a NORMAL size human being off the ground.
    I guess you'll not have any problems with them.

    Have a safe trip

    FBIL, Leon

  3. Ha! This is great Leon. We can ridicule our NGBIL in public!
    Gord, so when do you get back? Need you to drill some more oil cause gas prices are way too high in Vancouver!
