Friday, June 19, 2009

Day 10 - June 19, 2009 - Anchorage

Gordon: Today was a day off in Anchorage with just a little riding around town. Mike had some work done on his bike and we headed downtown to have a look around. Went to the Museum walked around. It was a nice day off and Mikes Aunt and Uncle have been very nice to us. We will be back on the road tomorrow probably for Tok.
Mike: It was good to have a day off and relax on our holiday. Got the oil changed on the bike and opted for a new rear tire (old tire had some deep cuts from all the gravel roads). Toured around downtown, the museum, and other sites. We arrived back at Uncle Dave's where Evelyn had prepared an excellent Salmon feast. Our stay in Anchorage has been great. Tomorrow we need to get back on the road, as we have about 4000km left to cover on this trip.

Checking in for a service at The Motorcycle Shop in Anchorage.
Fresh oil and a new rear tire.
Gord taking a well deserved break outside the museum.

Inside The Anchorage Museum.

Gord and the Muskox.

Mike and the Grizzly bear.

Cut-away of the 48" Alaska Pipeline.

Gord trying to determine the age of the tree.
Picture doesn't do the size of this walrus head justice.

Quick where's the 'On' switch.

Gord dipping his boots in the Pacific Ocean...

Shores of the Cook Inlet off Anchorage.

Shores of the Cook Inlet off Anchorage.

Cook Inlet and Anchorage from view point near Uncle Dave's.

Downtown Anchorage can be seen in the far distance on the water.

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